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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Well we are home! That is always bittersweet to me when I leave my Mamaw. You see I am happy to come back home to my husband but I always wonder, will that be the last visit? We are never guaranteed a tomorrow  but when your Mamaw is 90, those days are going to be more numbered. So every time we go we just enjoy EVERY moment, from having breakfast in the morning to the last goodnight. We take it all in and I am so thankful. I will share a few of my favorite pics....
secrets with mamaw

3 generations...

one happy princess!

love my girl!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Visiting Mamaw!

Well we got up and headed to visit Mamaw today! Have I ever told you how much the princess loves her Mamaw? Well let me tell you, it is true and the feelings are mutual. I love to watch them together! One is 90 and the other 4.....just think of all the differences there are between them!

looking out the window wit Eva her doll..

does she look 90???

Then of course this evening we had more visits with Uncle Terry, Aunt Sandy, and cousins John and Braden. Talk about another relationship that is so special for her....that would be the princess and Braden! It does not matter that they have not seen or talked in months, they pick right back up where they left off! It is amazing!!!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Today is all about Dad's! Holidays and special days always remind me of how blessed we are to have our little princess! I also cannot help but to remember the other family on the other side of the world who may also be thinking of her on this day. I pray that somehow they know she is loved and have a peace in their hearts. She truly is adored! She is our best gift ever!
To my hubby, I would say Happy Father's Day, we love you! I have so enjoyed watching you as you transitioned from husband to father! You are great with her! She adores you and so do I!
The day you became a Daddy!

teaching her to be fearless!!!

holding her Daddy's where she belongs!

Friday, June 17, 2011

What would I tell my teenage self, or my daughter?

This week a question posted to a blog was what would I tell my teenage self? This is such an interesting thing to think about....what I would have told myself and will one day tell my princesses is:
1. Do not rush growing have your whole life out there, enjoy these moments!
2. You do not have to have a boyfriend to feel value or self worth
3. Listen to your parents, they really do want whats best for you!
4. Go to college as soon as you finish high much easier!
5. Do not walk away from your faith
6. Keep a strong moral character, be honest, people will respect this about you!
7. Believe in yourself and know you can do anything!!!
8. Hold on to friendships, some of them may be around for a lifetime!

Debbie and I in high school

Friday Fun!

Today we decided to make a project for father's day this Sunday and to have a little fun in the process. Not only did she finger paint but she also learned how to mix colors to make new ones. Man is it hot outside too! Yikes, it was not long till we were inside for bathtub fun, to clean up and cool down! LOL!

Then we headed off to gymnastics practice where she got her team competition leotard today......can you say exicited??? She could hardly contain her excitement. The minute we got home she had to put it on to model for her daddy! Adorable!

50/50 Drawing....

This morning we drew the winning ticket for the 50/50. The total amount raised was $630! So the winner gets $315! Thank you all for helping out! We appreciate it!
We are holding our next fundraiser on Saturday July 16 from 1-4pm in Kissimmee. It is a Blingo party, this is where you when jewelry for the bingo prizes! Let me know if you are interested. We a limited to the first 115 people to RSVP!

Monday, June 13, 2011

50/50 Drawing to be held on Friday!

Just a reminder, the 50/50 raffle will be drawn on Friday morning! Right now the total is at $500! Hoping to sell a few more tickets before Friday! Please see me or my mom to purchase a ticket or use the chip in for the 50/50 raffle to the right side of this page! Good luck!!!
Also mark your calendars for the Jewels By Park Lane BLINGO fashion show on July 16 at 1pm! For more information send me a message! This is going to be a fun time for all attending!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Learning about money.....

So this morning we had to make a run to Publix. What did I get asked???? Mom, can we buy candy??? So, I informed the princess that if she wanted candy she would have to buy it with her own money. You see she hoards any change she finds and every time grandma is around she asks her if she wants to give her a dollar! LOL! But she never spends it. So off to the store we went. When we got to the checkout line she picker her own candy and had her own transaction. It took us a couple of extra minutes but she learned a lesson in money today! Teach whenever you can! She was so proud! can click the vote link and you can vote 1x a day! Just look for my blog. I am down towards the bottom!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Making the team!

So this afternoon was the day that the princess went to the 2 hour practice of the competitive team at gymnastics. After the 2 hour class, the head coach asked her to stay and then she tested her 1:1. She did well. The coach said she has a natural talent, maybe they say that to everyone! LOL! Anyways, she made the team. Not sure exactly what all that means yet but lots more information heading our way! She was sooooo happy and not 10 minutes after leaving she was passed out. Woke up for dinner and then in bed with no questions asked by 8pm! Proud of our girl tonight!

PS.....The last day to order the bracelet through the website is tomorrow. The earrings are continuing and you ave until next Friday to enter the 50/50 raffle if you are interested! Thanks for helping us towards our goal of bringing another princess home!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Every Other Tuesday.....

So I have decided that every other Tuesday, there will be a different Jewels By Park Lane item featured for our ongoing fundraiser. This will give people the opportunity to have a variety of items to choose from. The previous item will be removed on the Friday that the new item is showcased to give people time to purchase it if they had not already done so. As done before, there will be a buy now button associated with the item and it will include shipping and handling. Looking forward to showcasing some pretty pieces for the fundraiser. Next up, Traces earrings!!!
These textured silver hoop earrings trace the outline of a contemporary shaped heart. Anytime, anywhere… Traces are your go-to earrings of choice. This is an awesome seller! The total with shipping is 23.50. Click the chip in to get yours or get them as a gift! Thanks for looking!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Make Em Smile Event by Nathaniel's Hope...

Yesterday we attended the annual make em smile event at Lake Eola. This was our first year attending and will definitely be an annual event for us! What an amazing event put on for special needs or VIP kids! There was arts and crafts, games, bounce house, awesome Christian music, food and tons on great information and guess what? All of it was FREE! We had a great time!

PS.....a quick fundraiser far the 50/50 raffle is over $400!!! This continues until June 17 and you can still get tickets via the chip in link at the left or in person.
We have also sold 4 of the bracelets....this is ongoing. Click the chip in if you would like one of your own! Thanks!