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Sunday, April 29, 2012

This past week...

Hi everyone! I have some thoughts that I want to share with you but first let me catch you on on some cuteness with princess #1! This past Friday we had a picnic lunch with Nicky and Camden.....we got a few cute pics!

I also spent part of the weekend working on some closet space for is what we did...

Which brings me to Ella and the wait......over the last 3 weeks I have personally heard of 2 very sad stories in the adoption community. In one the family was getting ready to leave and found out that their soon to be daughter had a tumor and would continue to deteriorate, in the other a family was waiting on the final piece of paperwork needed and then would travel when they were informed that their daughter had passed away. Oh the tears I have cried for both of these families and oh the prayers I have prayed for them and all the children waiting to come home. I can honestly say that with the first adoption, at this point in the wait we were preparing to leave within a few weeks. This time the paperwork is longer and we have minimum of 3 months to go. I keep telling myself we ARE going this summer....we may not know when but baby we are coming.
I just want to go and get our daughter and come home and carry on with our life. Instead I feel like at this point I am constantly waiting for the next piece of documentation.....we have been waiting 58 days for this next piece after that the wait is about 2.5 months till travel. I cannot wait for it to come!
So you may be wondering....what can I do about this? Nothing that will speed it up....but I can pray and wait for God's timing. This is often the hardest thing to do. Will you join me in prayer? If you are willing please pray not only for the children waiting to come home but also for the families waiting is so very hard......and unlike with a pregnancy when you know the ending date, there is not 9 month cut off....

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wow!!! Where does the time go?!?

Hi friends! I realize almost a month has gone by since my last post! Let's catch up!
We attended Princess Sophia's tea party for her 5th birthday!!!

We went to Sea World which is a favorite of our princess!!!

Easter egg hunting was fun!!!

Played with a baby duck at Aunt Tina and Uncle Rodney's!

colored easter eggs!
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Happy easter from our house to yours!

We hope you all are having a great spring! Summer is coming soon and we are looking forward to many fun times in the sun together! Cannot believe we are getting closer and closer to bringing Ella home! Still waiting on our LOA at this time but believing it will come exactly when it should!

By the way...I got the job in the pediatric ER at Arnold Palmer and I am looking forward to starting that new adventure in the upcoming weeks! Have a great weekend and hopefully I will get back here soon!