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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Are you ok, cause I am not...

Hi friends! Today is a day I have been so excited to share with you! A few years ago I met a lovely lady named Stacey Thacker at a womens conference. She prayed over me and my adoption at the time and shared with me a book she had co-written called Hope For The Weary Mom. I read that book and it was like a breath of fresh air came over me. It blessed me more than she could ever know.

Now fast forward to the present, Stacey has written another book called Being OK With Where You Are. I was selected to preview the book and then be able to share about it with my friends and family ect. I do not know about you , but it is not easy to admit you are not OK. People are always saying hey, how are you? And we usually answer OK, how are you....what would happen if we said how we really were? Admitted it to those around us? Well now is the time to do just that. God is ready for us to take the stand and run to Him and admit we are not OK.

The book went on sale today at amazon, the kindle version is available today for $3.99 at . I would love to see all of you get this book, in fact maybe order a few for your friends as a gift. It will bless you both!

Every Tuesday starting next week I would like to discuss the chapter read that week. Next week we will discuss Chapter 1: Admit it......its not easy admitting we are not OK, even harder saying it out loud or to others, but over these chapters I pray you will grab a coffee, hot cocoa or your beverage of choice, read the chapter, taking it all in and look at yoursel honestly and then meet back here next Tuesday and lets talk about that chapter. Please comment below if you order the book and will meet back. I look forward to this time together....I know we are going to be blessed! We will finish up right before Thanksgiving!

God bless! Chat with you soon. Please click the follow me button in the sidebar to get emailed posts and share with your friends so we can travel this journey together! Angie


  1. I love our story of how we met! Thanks for sharing this today! What a blessing you are!

  2. I just bought both of these books and plan to read them both ASAP. I have been struggling, badly, and this is just what I needed to read. Thank you for sharing.
