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Monday, September 9, 2013

Chapter 1...Admit It!

Ok is the day that we are going to delve in to chapter 1 together. Are you ready? I know I am! You can also visit Stacy's website at where she will talk about the book and other people will link up. I cannot wait to all share together! Please comment below your thoughts on Chapter 1 and what you feel lead to share.

I do not know about you, but admitting I am not ok is not an easy task! If you see me regularly you probably would not even know when I am not ok. Because if you are like me, you are very good at disguising....meaning I can put on the best happy face ever, but sometimes it is a front. Do you ever feel the same?

In Chapter 1 I loved the analogy of took God getting him in the belly of a whale for him to finally admit he was not ok. I have never been in a whale....but most my admitting is done behind a closed bathroom door in a hot those quiet moments I can be honest with God. I can tell Him I am NOT ok, I cry out to Him and you know what? When I admit my failures, frustrations, joys and sorrows in those quiet moments, He meets me right there where I the shower! LOL! But seriously....if I bring my focus back to God and all that is good I can slowly begin to heal from whatever is bothering me. So where do you find yourself admitting to God you are not ok? Is it the kitchen table, driving down the road, or like me do you have small children in the house and it ends up being in the bathroom....the only place you are sometimes alone?

I want to share an excerpt from CH 1 that I loved...
He hears our prayers from the belly of a fish or from our bathroom floors.
He is holy.
He is our salvation.

So friends, what needs to be admitted today? What are you not ok with? Are you ready to admit it and then move on with me?

Looking forward to hearing from you. Hope you love the book like I do. God bless!

See you next Tuesday as we head into Chapter 2 together...Give it to God


  1. Isn't it so amazing that God always knows just what we need - even when we don't? My heart spilling place is usually in the car, alone. I'm surprised I haven't crashed yet! Bu it's where I can sing and pray and cry with no one to bother me. I just ignore the other drivers, giving me strange looks. ;)

  2. He meets us anywhere, I just love that. Our admit it moments is His invitation and I think He is waiting for us just to whisper it -- wherever we are!

    Thanks for linking up! Love how God is using this!

  3. My place is my bedroom, behind a locked door. What kept running through my mind while reading this chapter is that so many of us have an area of our lives we are not OK with but yet it tends to be our little secret. We put so much pressure on ourselves. We see someone else who seems to have it all together and they become our standard.

  4. I DO love the book...and I like the analogy of Jonah also. It was hard to pick a few things to talk about in a blog post. I am not OK with the fact that I worry about what others think of me...and I let the veil of FINE get in the way...AND I compare myself to others. I guess that is more than ONE thing I am not OK with...
